Sunday 14 October 2012

A Pink Baby Shower!!

This is it! I get to have a baby shower after all. 

With my son, one was arranged - the date was set, cupcakes booked and decorations purchased.  However, it was not meant to be.  The little bear had other ideas.  Just after our 29 week 3D scan I went into early labor.  This has got to be one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.  You can feel your baby inside you, distressed, and you know he is too little to come into the world and make it on his own for quite a while and yet there is nothing you can do about it.  You just have to rely completely on the doctors to make the right call for your baby. 

Luckily the doctors were able to calm my contractions and I spent some time in hospital, and on some pretty strong anti-contraction medication.  Since we caught the contrations early enough we were able to stop them from progressing.  However, bedrest for me.  No more work.  No more running around. No baby shower.

But I got the best gift ever after 38 weeks!

Now, nearly 2 and a half years later I get to have a shower.  With the nesting instinct in full swing there was no stopping me.  Vintage pink was the theme here, with plenty of roses.  I made tule table cloths, and table runners, personal water bottles, bunting, lolly jars, lanterns and more ribbons and bows than you can imagine.  But as you can see, and I hope you would agree, the results were quite lovely.

Plenty of sugar to go around.

A dear friend made these cupcakes, and they were just magic in your mouth!

A girlfriend made this delicious punch for the day too, non-alcoholic of course.
The day was just so worth it!  I had some lovely company and the chance to catch up with lots of good friends.  I got some amazing gifts, which I have to admit - I was so wrapped up in planning and decorating this party I forgot about that part.
But as you can see, I was very spoiled.

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